When I go to see my chiropractor {aside: her name is Rachel and she works at Totum Life Science and she is the best chiro ever and you should totally go see her if you are in any kind of pain!!!} she happens to work right beside Toronto design shop Design Within Reach and I always go in to take a boo at one thing in particular....the $5000 US Fortuny Lamp they have on display. I pretend I'm checking out everything else and because I'm such a nerdy, I make myself start on the opposite side of the store, make my circle around so I can end with the Fortuny Lamp. It's a little present to myself. But honestly I don't think I'll really ever be able to afford such a lavish purchase. Luckily, there is just the thing out there...it's called the Alcatraz and it's a pretty cool replica for $400 US! I think that might be worth it! I also like Pottery Barn's Photographer's Lamp which is $300 US and I super duper like this awesome Foto Lamp from Sweden...but it's 350 pounds and I think that might convert to be out of my price range. Poo. I'd like the yellow one methinks.
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