Tuesday, September 18, 2012

nerdy science party - finally!

 Happy Terbium Day to Dad Bloomer!!! 

 Test Tube timbit cake pops!!  A huge hit with the kidders.

 Nerd glasses, nerd watches and t-shirt lab coats for the kidders too.

 Stain on the table cloth :)  Definitely deliberate :P

 The whole set up again! An Apple iPad for his gifty...

 I think I would trust Dr. Sage Bloomer!

De-Contamination Zone

 Still can't get over Dr. Sage!!!!

 Noameo REFUSES to put his glasses or labcoat on...REFUSES!!!

 ...but luckily he LOVED running through the De-contamination Zone

...another cute lil nerdy doctor!!

 Dr. Thomas looks a little uncertain!!

 ...and here he is in all all his sciencey nerdy glory!!  Happy "Terbium" Day, Dad Bloomer!

Well, we've wanted to do it for AGES, and never had the right moment. Until our father, Dad Bloomer, had a milestone birthday!  And in honour of his pursuit of science over the last 40 years (to which he has contributed significantly, might I add), we threw him a teeny weeny little nerdy science birthday, including nerd costumes for the kidders (oh and maybe the adults too...) and test tube cake pops!! 'Twas great fun if I do say so myself - especially seeing the kids in their super nerd outfits, even if they only kept them on for 2 minutes!


  1. oh my gosh, i love it! so fabulous. your dad must have been over the moon! i miss seeing your creativity. more, more, more!!
