Thursday, May 19, 2011

my happy mom's day prezzie

I didn't know what to do for Mother's Day two weeks ago, but I wanted to do something my momma would have liked to have done with me. And I'm trying to be extra healthy lately, so eating a chocolate chip muffin was out of the question! So, since she liked painting and fixing things up too, I took an old urn from her basement and painted it a very bright colour to sit on my front porch, with the hopes that FINALLY people would know which house was mine - the one with the crazy blue flower urn!! She would have supported my Project De-Suburbanization. So I felt like she helped me with it...and we had fun with it ...and we also had fun trying to find her the most yellow-y bright flowers we could to make it extra zany :) And thanks to my Craigger for helping me too!!

1 comment:

Celeste said...

that's a beautiful urn, I love that blue! and a nice ode to your mom!