and I have to show you this picture...we made her into a little sock monkey the other day, it was so cute...

Joelle is doing amazing as a mother. I know it's hard that she doesn't have you to help, but she really is being a perfect mommy! You'd be so proud.
And, as if Sage wasn't a big enough of a deal for our family, our skinny little mini Shayna is preggers too!! She will be bringing the first boy to our immediate family. This is so exciting, and he's only going to be 4 months younger than Sage, so they will be instant best friends from the get go! I never thought I'd see Shayna so round and chubby, but she's sooo adorably cute. Our little sports machine tried to jump the other day and couldn't leave the ground much to her surprise...you would have laughed so hard. The circus is just not so easy any more...

I can't wait to see what her munchkin is going to be like...we're going to make him into a little sock monkey too!
And me? Well, yes, it's my turn next, but I'm not preggers just yet! Craig (thanks for sending him to me by the way) and I bought our first house, and I'm only starting to decorate it this week because ...well...I decorated 7 events in about 10 or 11 weeks this summer and had no time! (Yes, i managed to decorate THAT many weddings...it was insanity!). I have so many ideas for my new house, and I just wish you were here to help me. I decided to re-furbish some old furniture to make it new again and found out I really enjoy doing this! Which is funny because that's what you used to do didn't you? The other day, I really needed to ask you what kind of stain you used on your tables, and felt upset that I couldn't ask you. This is the table I'm working on fixing up with Aliya...it's a bit nasty here but I think it's going to be beautiful...
In the end, dad helped me out and found your actual stain products in the basement. Dad's been so sweet, you'd be so proud of the kind of dad he is to us. He supports us in every kind of way imaginable. He's really trying hard to fill your role, and when I think of what a super job he's doing, it makes me cry. You taught him well. He is the best Zaidie ever...he visits Sage every few days and is so desparately in love with her. And he can't wait until Shayna's baby comes!!

I am writing to you as if you are not seeing any of this, but I know you probably are. In fact, you probably sent all these gorgeous babies to our family...you did say before you left us that you'd pick us some good ones. And if Sage is any indication, you've remained true to your word. So, you've probably played some games with them already and had some fun times. And as soon as Sage and Shayna's little baby boy can talk, we are going to ask them all about how you're doing up there.
I love you, Mom. And miss you so much.
What a beautiful tribute to your mom. I'm sure she would be proud of the job you are doing as daughters, wives, and mothers.
This brought tears to my eyes. It is beautiful. I lost my dad 7 years ago and it still hurts like yesterday. But then I look around at what our family has gained(babies, husbands, our mom coming back in the picture) and I believe that he had something to do with it and somehow, I feel ok. Thank you for sharing!
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