Wednesday, September 2, 2009

the Bloomers check out Masada and the Dead Sea

What an amazing adventure the Bloomers have had so far in Israel. Apart from the wedding (pictures as soon as we get back, I promise...we can't get the good wedding pics onto this computer yet!), the Bloomers got the chance to check out Masada, an ancient mountain in the desert on which King Herod built his palace over 2000 years ago, and a place very important to the Jewish history, as it marked the spot that the Jews fled to when the Roman empire captured Jerusalem. It was an awe-inspiring experience, not only to see the ancient ruins and understand how these people could live their lives on top of this EXTREMELY hot and dry, vegetation-free mountain (they even figured out how to get water up there those sons of a guns!), but the view was incredible, looking over the Dead Sea and the mountains in Jordan (see pics below).
Then it was off to the very hot Dead Sea where yours truly and fellow Bloomers got to cover their bodies in mud and float in the Dead Sea. It's so neat to use your body as a lounge chair!! Our skins feel nice and soft this morning!

Above: The view of the desert, the Dead Sea and Jordan - from atop Masada.

On the way up to Masada on the cable car...

Look at the decor we saw on the walls of King Herod's palace ruins on top of Masada - this small patch of wall on the palace ruins has remained like this for 2000 years ago - including the stucco like material behind it! We like to know that they were conscious about decor even back then...

Joelle Bloomer (and her husband P. Bloomer) float in the Dead Sea.

1 comment:

{and inBloom Event Design} said...

It really cracks me up how you two float the same way exactly! You are at the exact same angle and position...hee!