Mazel tov to Shayna and Dan - the second time newlyweds!! The wedding in Shonit was breathtaking lovely stunning - the venue was a grassy cliff overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, with waves lapping at the rocks all night long. A cool perfect breeze, a perfect sunset, an emotional aisle walk song (The Book of Love by Peter Gabriel), delicious food...and, of course, Shayna Bloomer's much sought after wedding dress - her "Kate Hudson" wedding dress! She looked STUNNING. After a 4-hour hair and makeup session, she looked like a true celebrity. You are all dying to see pictures, I know! But it's so hard to get our pictures downloaded, then uploaded to the blog while we travel around Israel, but we managed to give you all a sneak peak at Shayna's dress, which was modelled after Kate Hudson's wedding dress in the movie You, Me and Dupree. So...without further it is!! She was a fantastic bride for the second time around. More pics to come when we get back of her dress, hair, makeup and the decor!
Off to the Dead Sea and Mesada tomorrow...then to Jerusalem the next day. We'll be home soon bloggees!